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July 18, 2005

Netflix Queue Manager v2.1

Category: Netflix,Software — badsegue @ 9:52 pm

ratings and sort enhancements

herrin of has provided code to add the ratings icons into the Manager. This was the last bit of movie data from the default Netflix queue that was missing. Also, the text buttons for TOP/END/X have been replaced with arrows from the Netflix Top 100 page and their standard remove icon, giving the Manager a sleeker look. A big thanks to him for all his contributions.

Position indicators have been added to the left of the title as a small, semi-transparent number. The numbers are updated as you re-order the queue. (v2.1b)

There are also some sorting changes:

  • Sorting can now be done using the new ratings. They are ordered from most mature to least.
  • Title sorts now try to handle bonus disc anomalies. If a title starts with “Bonus Material:”, that text is moved to the end of the title. This is to keep bonus discs after the main movie disc. Also “Sp. Ed.” is sometimes used on bonus discs, but not the main disc. This text is expanded to “Special Edition” when sorting.

As usual, if you’ve previously used the Manager you may need to to a cache reset to see the new features properly.

Full instructions on installation and usage is located here.

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